Block Fee Program
Why pay piecemeal for uninsured services?
Enrol in our yearly Block Fee Program and have these charges covered.
NOTE: Physician Block Fees are covered by most 3rd party insurance plans

Prescription Renewals
Whether by phone, email or fax. Whether requested by patient, caregiver or pharmacy. Excludes narcotics and sedatives. $30

Day Care Notes
For 'free of disease' or other medical notes. $30

School or Camp Forms
For inclusion in school or camp program. $65

Certificate of Competency
The completion of a document confirming the competence or lack of competence of a patient is not covered by OHIP. $65

Certification of Fitness Forms
Completion of medical form certifying the medical ability to participate in an event or program. $65

Other Forms
The completion of insurance or other forms is billed based on complexity and the time for completion. $65 to $300

Insurance Certificates
For massage, physiotherapy, chiropractic, chiropody, assisted devices and orthotics. $30

Insurance Forms
Various medical forms, excluding medico-legal forms and those paid for or reimbursed by a third party. $65 to $300

Telephone or Email Advice
At physician's discretion. Per 5 minutes, when you don't have an appointment. Unlimited. $30

Referral without an appointment
Referrals are an insured service when they are made in relation to an assessment by your doctor. $30

Photocopies & Faxes
Per 20 pages or less. For personal use or at the request of a third party. $25

Proof of Life Form
Completion of a form or document confirming the patient is still alive. $65

Sick & Back-to-Work Notes
A simple letter from your doctor for time away or return to work. $30

Travel Cancellation Forms
As provided by airline or travel company to allow medical exclusion from a trip. $65

Fitness Club Forms
For participation in or exclusion from a fitness program or gym. $65

Transfer of Medical Records
When requested by a patient for the transfer of care to another physician $70

TB Skin Tests
per 'Step'
For the purpose of employment or volunteer work. Each 'Step' includes injection of tuberculin and interpretation at 48-72 hours. $50

Ear Wax Removal
For one or two ears either via flush or curette. $30
What our Block Fee DOES NOT Cover

Missed Appointments
Missing appointments waste time for everyone. Applies if cancellation <24 hours in advance. Missed standard appointments: $95. Missed long appointments: $176.

Driver's Medical Exam & Form
The completion of the extended license medical exam and form completion is not covered by the block fee. $195

CPP Medical Form
The charge above the $85 reimbursed by the government for completion of the medical report of the CPP application varies by its complexity and the time taken for completion.
$85 to $200

Excision of Benign Lesions
Per lesion, at discretion of physician. $90 to $200

Tax Disability Form
Due to the complexity and time taken to complete this form, it is no longer covered under our block fee. $150

Liquid Nitrogen for Cosmesis
Per lesions for the application of Liquid Nitrogen for the cosmetic removal of spots, blemishes, tags and lesions. $30